What Does High Intensity Support Involve?

High Intensity Support is crafted for participants who need:
  • One-on-one or two-on-one assistance to manage challenging behaviours requiring intensive positive behaviour support
  • Continuous active support owing to significant medical needs, such as seizure or respiratory aid
  • Support focused on detailed health management, addressing medical, behavioural support or a blend of both

Our approach to High Intensity Support

Our range of high-intensity support services include:
  • Complex behaviour intervention strategies
  • Consistent routine implementation
  • Focused skill development programs
  • Intensive 2:1 behavioural support
  • Daily support driven by therapeutic recommendations
  • Social inclusion and complex behaviour engagement activities
  • Implementation of approved restricted practices
  • Support for minors in out-of-home placements
  • Expertise in hoist work and 2:1 transfers
  • Detailed continence care, peg feeding and mobility support

Empowering Individuals with Complex Needs

Recognising the unique challenges faced by individuals with complex behaviours, we offer a holistic, trauma-informed approach built on collaboration. We work hand-in-hand with participants, families, and key stakeholders, including the Department of Justice and DHS, to develop individualised support plans that address their specific needs and goals.

Our dedicated team is specifically recruited and trained to provide specialised care with a trauma-informed lens. We empower participants through choice and control, teaching our support staff to respond thoughtfully, not react impulsively, to challenging situations. 

Registered and Ready to Help

Myxa is fully registered to give high-intensity support. We are trained to provide:
  • Care for complex bowel needs
  • Feeding and care for those with tubes going to their stomach
  • Looking after people with tracheostomies
  • Managing catheters, for those who need them to go to the toilet
  • Taking care of ventilators for breathing support
  • Giving injections just under the skin
  • Looking after serious wounds
  • Helping those with severe swallowing difficulties

Our Team’s Commitment

Our Myxa team is skilled in a broad range of disciplines, from psychology and social work to behavioural analysis and counselling, ensuring we manage complex care needs effectively.

We specialise in providing high-intensity support for both physical and behavioural challenges, including
  • Nursing: Addressing high-intensity medical needs
  • Complex Behaviour: Expertise across all areas, including forensic needs, court involvement, and placements outside the home

We’re dedicated to providing personalised, top-quality support, constantly improving through training and working closely with families for holistic, empowering care.

Your High Intensity Support Journey with Myxa

Experts in Complex Care
Getting to know you

We start by asking, “What are you looking for?” Understanding your goals helps us provide the support you need.

Establishing expectations

Your expectations of a provider guide us to exceed them, be it through weekly reports or monthly meetings

Finding Your Home

We help find medium-term accommodation or Supported Independent Living homes that match your preferences and needs

Assembling Your Support Team

We prioritise finding support workers who can offer the best care, ensuring comfort and comprehensive support


Frequently Asked Questions

A High Intensity support is if a participant is provided:

  •  A support of, at least a minimum once per shift, assistance from a Disability Support Worker to manage challenging behaviours that require positive behaviour support


  • Who requires assistance from a Disability Support Worker who has at least one or multiple of the high intensity support skills specified in the NDIS Commission’s NDIS Practice Standards.

Individuals with significant disabilities, who require a more skilled and experienced support to ensure they receive the attention and resources they need to live their best life. For eligibility criteria please refer to the NDIS website or speak to your Support Coordinator.

High Intensity Supports cover a range of services, including personal care, medical support, behavioural interventions, and adaptive equipment. These services aim to enhance an individual’s quality of life and independence.

Disability Support Workers play a crucial role in providing High Intensity Supports. They assist with daily tasks, monitor health conditions, and ensure the individual’s safety and well-being.

Disability Support workers undergo specialised training to address the unique needs of individuals receiving High Intensity Supports. This training covers medical procedures, behaviour management, and communication techniques.