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How does Positive Behavioural Support Work?

Our positive behavioural support professionals partner with you, your family, and your support network to really get to the heart of what’s causing challenging behaviours. We focus on your strengths and preferences, aiming to lessen these behaviours while boosting your social and emotional well-being. It’s all about creating a supportive environment where you can develop skills, feel more independent, and be part of the community.

Who We Help

We help people with disabilities who present with challenging behaviours like inappropriate actions, physical or verbal aggression. We tailor positive behaviour support NDIS plans to help them manage these behaviours and live happier lives.


Myxa | Complex Care Needs NDIS

Support Coordinators

Behavioural Concerns? Why choose Myxa PBS services

Are you seeking effective solutions to support clients with complex behavioural needs? This is why you should partner with us.

Tailored PBS Solutions
Tailored PBS Solutions

We understand that every individual is unique, and so are their behavioural support needs. Our PBS assessments and plans are all tailored to the individual.

Experienced Team of Specialists
Experienced Team of Specialists

Our PBS team are experts in their field, having successfully supported individuals with a wide range of behaviours of concerns, including those with forensic backgrounds, severe mental health issues, and complex behaviours.

Evidence-Based Approach
Evidence-Based Approach

Our PBS services are grounded in the latest research and best practices in the field of behaviour support. We utilise proven strategies and interventions to promote positive behaviour change and improve the quality of life for NDIS participants.

Positive Behaviour Support NDIS | Positive Behavioural Support
Collaborative Approach

We work closely with NDIS Support Coordinators, families, carers, and other stakeholders to ensure that everyone is involved in the planning and implementation of behaviour support strategies.

Holistic Support Services
Holistic Support Services

In addition to PBS, Myxa offers a comprehensive range of support services to meet the diverse needs of NDIS participants. Our holistic approach is deeply rooted in positivity and understanding delivering customised services, ensuring each individual’s choice and control.

Behaviour Support Assessments & Plan

We’ve got a team of registered behaviour support practitioners who are all set to assess your needs and develop a personalised behaviour support plan. This plan usually includes:

  • Getting to know you and your living environment
  • Understanding the behaviours and what triggers them
  • Figuring out what positive behaviour looks like for you
  • Using positive reinforcement techniques
  • Aiming to reduce restrictive practices
  • Coordinating with all your therapists and support workers
  • Involving your family and friends in the support process
  • Creating practical strategies with you
  • Tackling any health issues that might be affecting your behaviour
  • Providing skills training and education

Quote from Daria

“Instead of seeing someone as ‘challenging,’ we focus on understanding their needs and the situations that might be causing difficulty. We work together with individuals and their families to develop solutions that empower them to make choices, live more independently, and experience a fulfilling life”.

NDIS Positive Behaviour Support | Behaviour Support and Therapy
Daria - Clinical Lead Positive Behavioural Support Therapist

Behaviour Support Assessment and Plans

Our registered behaviour support therapists will assess your needs and develop a personalised behaviour support plan which will detail the below:

Understanding the behaviours and what triggers them
Using positive reinforcement techniques
Aiming to reduce restrictive practices
Coordinating with therapists & support workers
Creating practical strategies with you
Providing skills training and education

Behaviour Support Therapist | Positive Behaviour Therapy

Functional Assessment - Understanding the behaviour

This involves talking to the person and their support team to figure out what triggers the likelihood of challenging behaviours. We will evaluate:

  • Events, Interactions, Places, Times or Stimuli
  • Strategies that de-escalate or escalate a situation
  • Trauma backgrounds
  • Matching the right support team

Developing a Support Plan

Based on the assessment, we’ll create a personalised plan to prevent, respond to and manage challenging behaviours focusing on:

  • Reducing triggers
  • Building skills
  • Adjusting the environment
  • Positive strategies
  • Increasing the amount of preferred activities
  • Outline any restrictive practices
Positive Behaviour Support NDIS | Positive Behavioural Support
NDIS Positive Behaviour Support | Behaviour Support and Therapy

Review Restrictive Practices

Our PBS team works closely with participants and their support network to develop personalised plans that focus on understanding and addressing the root causes of challenging behaviors.

Restrictive practices are always the last resort. We believe in empowering individuals and fostering independence. While some situations might require temporary use of restrictive practices to ensure safety, our team is dedicated to exploring all other avenues first. We prioritise de-escalation techniques, positive reinforcement, and environmental modifications to minimize the need for restrictions. Additionally, our PBS plans involve a clear strategy for continually reducing and ultimately eliminating the use of restrictive practices whenever possible.

Putting the Plan into Action

We’ll work with the participant and their support team to implement the plan. Training and support are provided throughout the process. The PBS plan can be adjusted as needed based on progress and feedback.

NDIS Positive Behaviour Support | Behaviour Support and Therapy
Behaviour Support Therapist | Positive Behaviour Therapy

Progress Report

We’ll create a report for the NDIS Commission outlining the plan and its effectiveness, ensuring you receive the right support to manage behavioural risks.

Benefits of Positive Behavioural Support

Positive Behaviour Support NDIS | Positive Behavioural Support

Reduces Challenging Behaviours

PBS aims to address the root causes of behaviour, leading to a decrease in their frequency and intensity.

NDIS Positive Behaviour Support | Behaviour Support and Therapy

Improved Quality of Life

PBS promotes greater independence, empowerment, and well-being for individuals and their families.

Disability Support Work | NDIS Disability Support

Strengthen Relationships

 Positive behavioural therapy encourages positive interactions and communication between individuals and their support network.


Frequently Asked Questions

Individuals of all ages with a wide range of disabilities and challenging behaviours, including intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, mental health conditions, and neurological conditions. Families and carers who support individuals with challenging behaviours.

Our current waitlist time is approximately two to three weeks.

However, we understand that in some circumstances there is an urgent need to work with the participant and their family to provide support.

Examples of an urgent need:

  • Support to move into alternative accommodation/day program quickly
  • Evidence for a NDIS plan review meeting
  • Significant changes in behaviour
  • Unexpected cessation of previous clinician
  • Discharge from hospital

We can offer both face to face in our location or in your home and online telehealth appointments. Please discuss your preference with one of our Behavioural Support Practitioners to determine what works best for you and is in line with your funding.

Appointments can occur in a variety of locations of your choosing, including your home, school, day program or community activity etc.

Face to face appointments in your home etc will incur a travel charge in line with the NDIS price guide.

We have Behavioural Support Practitioners that can provide face to face appointments in Bendigo, Ballarat, Melbourne, Adelaide and soon Queensland.

We also offer telehealth appointments that can provide PBS support to anyone, anywhere in Australia.

You choose who you would like to attend and what makes you comfortable. You may like to have a family member, a friend or a Support Worker. You may also wish to undertake the appointment on your own but need support to travel/set up the telehealth appointment. We strive to offer personalised support and care and want you to feel comfortable.

  • Visual Supports: Using schedules, picture cards, or social stories to help individuals understand expectations and routines
  • Choice-Making: Offering individuals choices to increase feelings of control and reduce frustration
  • De-escalation Techniques: Calming strategies like deep breathing exercises, quiet spaces, or preferred sensory items
  • Skill Development: Teaching skills to address the underlying causes of challenging behaviours, like communication, emotional regulation, or coping mechanisms
  • Environmental Modifications: Adjusting the environment to minimise triggers for challenging behaviours
  • Functional Communication Training: Teaching individuals effective ways to communicate their needs and wants, reducing reliance on challenging behaviours
  • Monitor Vitality Signs: Track changes in body language such as smiling, or signing and vocalisations like laughing or silence to identify early signs of potential behavioural challenges
  • Activity Schedules: Creating predictable routines to provide structure and reduce anxiety
  • Positive Interactions: Engaging in positive interactions with individuals throughout the day to build trust and rapport
  • Data Collection and Analysis: Monitoring behaviour patterns to identify triggers and inform support strategies

Functional Behaviour Analysis (FBA) is a systematic approach to understanding why a person engages in behaviours of concern. It is commonly used in various fields such as psychology, education, and positive behaviour support. The goal of FBA is to identify the function or purpose of the behaviour in order to develop effective interventions.

Here are the key components of Functional Behaviour Analysis:

  • Behaviour Identification: This involves clearly defining the behaviour of interest in observable and measurable terms. This could be a behaviour that is disruptive, harmful, or interferes with learning or social interaction.
  • Data Collection: Information is gathered about the behaviour, including when and where it occurs, what happens before and after the behaviour, and any patterns or triggers that may be influencing the behaviour.
  • Analysis of Data: The data collected is analysed to identify patterns and potential functions of the behaviour. Functions could include gaining attention, escaping a task, obtaining a tangible item, or sensory stimulation.
  • Hypothesis Formulation: Based on the analysis, a hypothesis is developed about why the behaviour is occurring. This hypothesis often takes the form of an “ABC” model:
    • Antecedent: What happens immediately before the behaviour
    • Behaviour: The behaviour of interest
    • Consequence: What happens immediately after the behaviour
  • Intervention Development: Once the function of the behaviour is understood, interventions can be designed to address the underlying need that the behaviour serves. These interventions are typically proactive and focused on teaching alternative behaviours that serve the same function in a more appropriate manner.
  • Implementation and Monitoring: The interventions are implemented, and the effects are monitored closely to assess their effectiveness. Data continues to be collected to ensure that progress is being made and adjustments can be made as needed.

FBA is a collaborative process involving caregivers, educators, therapists, and sometimes the individual themselves (if possible), to ensure that interventions are comprehensive and effective in promoting positive behaviour change. It is widely used in educational settings for students with disabilities, in clinical settings for individuals with developmental disorders or mental health issues, and in organisational settings to address workplace behaviour challenges.

PBS is a person-centered approach that focuses on understanding the reasons behind challenging behaviours and finding positive strategies to address them. It aims to improve quality of life for both the individual and their support network.

PBS, or Positive Behaviour Support, is a collaborative approach to understanding and addressing challenging behaviors. We start by thoroughly assessing your needs and behaviors, then create a personalised plan focused on your strengths and preferences. The goal is to reduce challenging behaviors while enhancing your social and emotional well-being, ultimately empowering you to build skills, increase independence, and actively participate in your community.

Yes, family members, caregivers and allied health professionals are integral to the PBS process. We collaborate with them to ensure a consistent approach across different environments, enhancing the effectiveness of the support plan.

Our Positive Behavioural Support Practitioners are a combination of highly trained professionals from different backgrounds with expertise in behaviour analysis and intervention strategies. They are skilled in developing and implementing effective PBS plans.

To access our PBS services, contact us to schedule an initial consultation. We will assess your needs and work with you to develop an appropriate support plan.

We currently have Positive Behavioural Practitioners servicing Victoria, Adelaide and Queensland.

Please fill out our Referral Form if you, or someone you know is interested in accessing our PBS service.